Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Dralisa Young
27 March 2015
Project Proposal

            My research paper to conclude college writing two will discuss teen suicide. My thoughts are to address the risk factors, statistical evidence, real life stories, preventions, and many more. This research paper will educate my audience of how suicide is ranked the 3rd most popular killer in America and many other countries. My goal is to answer these three questions. 1). How and what is effective and ineffective with suicide? In regards to programs and prevention strategies.  I then want to address how suicide stories are eye opening and sometimes they are what really saves people. How suicide tragedies help others? 2.) What do suicidal teens look like? Many people do not understand that everyone has some kind of depression and suicide thoughts can surface anyone’s brain. Another question I would like to explore is how do victims/survivors move forward and is the process life long? In my research paper I plan to address how advertisement and suicide seen in films and TV can interest victims to pursue what they see. This was discussed in one of my sources. I would like my research paper to be very insightful and leave readers with very little question. I want to make sure I provide all evidence and information that revolve around Suicide. It is important that my readers can follow my paper and maybe develop interest in helping others become aware of the chronic issue of suicide. 

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