Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Challenges I've Encountered w/ An Assignment

well.... I had my college writing 1 class with Dr. Walts and I wont say the assignments were to easiest. She really made it her business to stretch us as writers and make us push ourselves.
The assignment I believe I struggled the most with was the research assignment because it was the longest. We were required to write 6-8 page paper with supporting evidence (sources). At first I began to stress because of the length of the paper. After several weeks of preparation I started just be okay with the fact that it may not be my best writing. "I just have to get it done". Long story short I completed my paper and If I'm not mistaken I got a 90% on it. She loved it!
So moral of the story how I overcame it was listening, following directions, asking for help when I needed it, utilized all my resources and used every strategy Dr. Walts taught us throughout the semester. (That sentence might be a run-on) But you get the point.

The reason I have Dr.Walts in bold letters was to show how SHE helped me overcome.
Paying homage. Lol

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